List of some common CSS Properties

List of some common CSS Properties

CSS properties (sometimes referred to as “elements” colloquially) are the individual styles that can be applied to HTML elements to control their appearance. Here’s a list of some common CSS properties along with their descriptions:

  1. color:
    • Sets the color of the text content.
  2. background-color:
    • Sets the background color of an element.
  3. font-size:
    • Sets the size of the font.
  4. font-family:
    • Specifies the font family for text content.
  5. font-weight:
    • Sets the thickness of characters in a text.
  6. font-style:
    • Specifies the style of the font (normal, italic, or oblique).
  7. text-decoration:
    • Adds decoration to text content, such as underline or line-through.
  8. text-align:
    • Sets the alignment of text content within its container.
  9. line-height:
    • Specifies the height of a line of text.
  10. letter-spacing:
    • Sets the spacing between characters in a text.
  11. word-spacing:
    • Sets the spacing between words in a text.
  12. padding:
    • Sets the padding space between the border and the content of an element.
  13. margin:
    • Sets the margin space outside an element.
  14. border:
    • Sets the border properties of an element (width, style, and color).
  15. border-radius:
    • Sets the radius of the border corners.
  16. box-shadow:
    • Adds a shadow effect to an element’s box.
  17. display:
    • Specifies the type of display box an element generates (block, inline, inline-block, etc.).
  18. position:
    • Specifies the positioning method of an element (static, relative, absolute, fixed).
  19. top, right, bottom, left:
    • Positioning properties used with position to specify the placement of an element.
  20. float:
    • Specifies whether an element should float to the left or right.
  21. clear:
    • Specifies whether an element should be moved below floating elements.
  22. width:
    • Sets the width of an element.
  23. height:
    • Sets the height of an element.
  24. min-width, max-width:
    • Specifies the minimum and maximum width of an element.
  25. min-height, max-height:
    • Specifies the minimum and maximum height of an element.
  26. overflow:
    • Specifies how overflowed content should be handled.
  27. z-index:
    • Sets the stack order of an element.
  28. opacity:
    • Specifies the transparency level of an element.
  29. text-transform:
    • Specifies how text should be capitalized (uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, etc.).
  30. text-overflow:
    • Specifies how overflowed text should be displayed when it’s too long to fit in its container.
  31. white-space:
    • Specifies how white space inside an element should be handled.
  32. cursor:
    • Specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when hovering over an element.
  33. list-style:
    • A shorthand property for setting the style, image, and position of list markers.
  34. list-style-type:
    • Sets the style of the list item marker (disc, circle, square, etc.).
  35. list-style-image:
    • Specifies an image as the list item marker.
  36. list-style-position:
    • Sets the position of the list item marker (inside or outside the list item box).
  37. background-image:
    • Specifies one or more background images for an element.
  38. background-repeat:
    • Specifies how a background image should be repeated (repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat).
  39. background-position:
    • Sets the starting position of a background image.
  40. background-size:
    • Specifies the size of a background image.
  41. background-attachment:
    • Specifies whether a background image should scroll with the rest of the content or remain fixed.
  42. opacity:
    • Specifies the transparency level of an element.
  43. visibility:
    • Specifies whether an element should be visible or hidden.
  44. transform:
    • Applies 2D or 3D transformations to an element (rotate, scale, translate, skew, etc.).
  45. transition:
    • A shorthand property for setting transition effects on CSS properties.
  46. animation:
    • A shorthand property for defining CSS animations.
  47. box-sizing:
    • Specifies how the total width and height of an element are calculated.
  48. outline:
    • A shorthand property for setting the outline style, width, and color of an element.
  49. outline-offset:
    • Sets the space between an outline and the border edge of an element.
  50. user-select:
    • Specifies whether text selection should be allowed for an element.

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