Advanced Digital Marketing Course

Course Overview

The Digital Marketing course provides a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of online marketing strategies. Participants embark on a journey through the fundamentals, learning to navigate website development, optimize for search engines, and harness the power of paid advertising on platforms like Google and social media channels.

The course delves into the intricacies of social media marketing, email campaigns, and the art of crafting compelling content for diverse audiences. Mobile marketing, video strategies, and in-depth analytics are covered, empowering learners to understand and leverage the latest technologies in the field.

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Design Life Academy

Mastering the Dynamic Landscape

Throughout the program, emphasis is placed on practical application, ensuring participants not only grasp theoretical concepts but also gain hands-on experience through a capstone project. Emerging trends, the integration of artificial intelligence, and insights into the future of digital marketing add a forward-thinking dimension to the curriculum. The course concludes with participants equipped with a robust skill set, ready to navigate the challenges and opportunities in the dynamic realm of digital marketing.

  • Expert Instructors
  • Online / Offline Learning
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12 weeks of learning

You'll have a robust skill set, a refined design process, and a portfolio showcasing
your proficiency in advanced Digital Media Marketing

Introduction to Digital Media Marketing

  • Definition and Evolution of Digital Media Marketing
  • Importance in the modern business landscape
  • Digital Media Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing
  • Key differences and advantages
  • Case studies and examples

Consumer Behavior and Market Research

  • Understanding Consumer Behavior
  • Psychological factors influencing consumer decisions
  • Buyer personas and segmentation
  • Market Research in Digital Media Marketing
  • Tools and techniques
  • Data analysis and interpretation

Website Design and Optimization

  • Basics of Website Design
  • User experience (UX) principles
  • Conversion-centered design
  • Website Optimization
  • SEO-friendly design
  • Landing page optimization

Content Marketing and Copywriting

  • Content Marketing Strategy

  • Developing a content calendar

  • Identifying target audiences

  • Copywriting for Digital Media

  • Crafting compelling headlines and copy

  • Storytelling techniques

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

  • Social Media Strategy
  • Platform selection and planning
  • Social media calendar creation
  • Effective Social Media Campaigns
  • Content creation and curation
  • Community engagement strategies

SMM - Facebook Instagram, LinkedIn & Youtube

  • Platform demographics, user behavior, and trends
  • Business page setup and optimization
  • Ad types, Ad targeting 
  • Budgeting and bidding strategies
  • YouTube Channel for business

Mobile Marketing and App Promotion

  • Mobile Marketing Strategies
  • Responsive design and mobile optimization
  • SMS and push notification campaigns
  • App Promotion
  • App store optimization (ASO)
  • In-app advertising strategies

Video Marketing

  • Importance of Video Marketing
  • Trends and statistics
  • Platforms for video marketing
  • Video Content Creation
  • Storyboarding and production
  • Distribution and promotion

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

  • Introduction to AI in Digital Marketing
  • Definition and Scope of AI in Digital Marketing
  • AI tools for generating ad creatives
  • Keyword research, content optimization, and backlink analysis
  • Monitoring SEO performance with AI

Email Marketing and Marketing Automation

  • Email Marketing Fundamentals
  • Building effective email lists
  • Designing compelling email campaigns
  • Marketing Automation
  • Workflow creation
  • Personalization and segmentation

Emerging Trends in UI/UX

  • Voice User Interfaces (VUI)
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
  • AI and Machine Learning in Design
  • Future of UI/UX Design
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Education for everyone

Hands-On Projects

Learn from the best in the industry—our courses are crafted and taught by seasoned professionals and master instructors who bring real-world experience into the classroom. Your mentors are not just educators; they are practitioners, ensuring that your education is both relevant and immediately applicable in the fast-paced worlds of design and technology.

Learn the Latest Top Skills

Elevate your expertise with our dynamic courses, ensuring you learn the latest top skills

Learn From Industry Experts

Unlock wisdom directly from industry maestros at DesignLife Academy,

Career Guidance

including portfolio reviews, resume workshops, and job placement assistance


Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a recognized certification,

Online Certification

Let's craft, innovate, and inspire together!

Join us at DesignLife Academy and redefine your future in design and technology.

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